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Turning Point Foundation

Striving for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Sustainable Development

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What is an OPD?

Many international and national organizations are now recognizing and including Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in their programs and policies to promote diversity and inclusion. But what exactly is an OPD?

An OPD is an organization of persons with disabilities, meaning that most individuals involved at all levels of the organization have disabilities themselves. These organizations are also commonly referred to as Disabled People's Organizations (DPOs), though the term OPD is increasingly preferred for its alignment with inclusive language standards.

Different organizations define OPDs in various ways. Here are some examples:

  • An Organization of Persons with Disabilities (OPD) is a legally recognized entity established and exclusively led by persons with disabilities. It adheres to organizational standards, including a clearly defined vision, mission, goals, objectives, governing structures, bylaws, organogram, and policies and procedures. Ownership, active participation, and leadership by persons with disabilities are fundamental and indispensable principles of OPDs.- Turning Point Foundation, Bangladesh
  • "Organization of disabled persons" means that a majority of the members as well as the governing body shall be persons with disabilities.- Disabled Peoples International (DPI)
  • "OPDs are representative organizations or groups of persons with disabilities (PWDs), where PWDs constitute a majority of the overall staff, board, and volunteers are well-represented in all levels of the organization. ...OPDs have an understanding of disability in accordance with the social model.- Disability Rights Fund (DRF)
  • DPO is a fundamental organization of persons with disabilities, fully governed and led by themselves, that ensures safeguard of their ownership, effective representation, non-influenced decision and recognition of DPO.- Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity (BPKS)
  • A Disabled Peoples Organisation (DPO) is an organisation where the majority of the members as well as the Governing body (Board of Directors) are persons with disability. OPDs believe that people with disabilities are their own best spokespersons.- Disability Australia Hub

Persons with disabilities must have ownership, active participation, and leadership in Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). OPDs are independent entities and should never be controlled or dominated by external forces, as "overlordship is the enemy of rights.

here is ongoing debate regarding the percentage of participation required for an organization to qualify as an OPD. While some argue for 100%, others suggest thresholds of 66% or 51%. Additionally, some disability activists emphasize the importance of a democratic electoral process to elect leaders for a specific term.

Based on the participation level of persons with disabilities, disability-related organizations can generally be classified into three categories:

OF - Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs): At least 50% of members at all levels, including governing bodies, are persons with disabilities.

WITH – Organizations Working With Persons with Disabilities: Persons with disabilities constitute less than 50% but more than 25% of participants at all levels.

FOR – Organizations Working For Persons with Disabilities: Persons with disabilities have little or no participation (less than 25%) at all levels, and few, if any, are represented in governing bodies.

A Directory of OPDs is downloadable from this link and a list of the OPDs in Bangladesh.